While I found Fort Island Gulf Beach charming, I don't think we'd have gone back there as often as we did but for the beautiful wetlands we drove through to get there. I haven't been in years, but I remember a whole forest of palm trees with intervening stretches like this one (which does only a very mediocre job of capturing the way all the grass was sparkling in the sun.
One of the things I love is to see the reflection of the sun in millions of leaves or blades of grass. It was a magnificent spectacle on this particular afternoon in March 1997.
I saw more eagles and eagles nests than I've ever seen in my life when we visited in this area. I'm sure they are all over the place, but here there were several of them in plain sight right in the tree tops. In one there was a mother eagle and two eaglets. I wonder if there still are as many as there were? Even if you're from the beautiful southwest you ought to travel north to experience the very different ambiance of the northwestern beaches. Naturally they won't compare to yours in scenic splendor, but there is a slow, old-fashioned feel around these little beaches that is missing further south. Furthermore, there is something to be said for getting to know your state. Floridians really do tend (according to my observation) to stick to their own little patch of ground. Even in the smallest inland town there is usually at least one thing you won't forget.