The original photograph of the house from which I scanned this image was dark, hazy, and rather out of focus, partly because it was so late (you can see that the flash went off). Thanks to the wonders of modern technology I was able to tweak it so that you can get a sense of the look and feel of the house (we didn't go in that day; we arrived too late) and can even ssort of see the individual oranges on the tree. The pinkish-gold sunlight on the side of the house was really there. You can see it in the alternate version of the house which I included above.
I don't think any photograph can really capture the look of the Rawlings House; it looks completely different from every angle.
I really feel that every Floridian should make a pilgrimage to this place once. It's a trip back in time and will give you that feeling of place that makes you know you are---or, like me, have become---a Floridian.