Allen Whitson saw---and captured for us here---this magnificent ibis just hanging about beside Lake Dora in the adorable Central Florida town of Mount Dora.
Sometimes it's easy to forget the good fortune of living in a state
where you see magnificent wildlife just hanging about the lakes, ponds,
and wetlands you pass every day. One reason I started this blog was to
remind myself not to forget how much love we ought to be giving to
Florida's animal people.
Have you ever seen a more lavish red than the red of this magnificent
creature's giant bill? It's a rhetorical question. You know you
Photograph by Allen Whitson | click here to see his other photos | Click here to go to Flickr to see the full-sized version
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express permission of its owner. Please do not save or use it without
first getting permission from the owner. Flickr users may contact the
owner through his Flickr mail.