This photograph was sent to the photographer by his brother and posted at Flickr under a CC license (yay!) The photographer's brother explained why this little nestling is be-robed for the photo:
I banded the first brood of Florida Scrub-Jay nestlings at Lake Wales Ridge State Forest (southeastern Polk County) this past Wednesday. One of the nestlings didn't want to come out of the weighing bag (aka a trimmed panty hose), so I had to "peel" the bag away from it. Suddenly the jay looked very much like a well-known, very wise ("Wars not make one great"), and much loved old ... bird (?) [links added fyi by me]
Don't his little claws look like little taloned hands? This photo has won a certain amount of well-deserved acclaim on Flickr.... This species is under threat due to habitat loss, by the way. Let's hope we don't lose yet another species of animal people. I would hate to lose little Yoda. No wonder he looks a bit annoyed. Or maybe he just had to deal with an unpromising trainee.
"You worthless at learning Jedi techniques are! I fed up to the beak with you am!"
| I do not own the rights to this photograph, but am using it in compliance with a restricted Creative Commons license. Please do not save or download it without first consulting the terms of the applicable license. A link to the license is shown here.
I just hope that the bird is all full grown now and is in good shape.
Posted by: lwrc rifles | 23 May 2011 at 04:43 AM