What I love about Judy Baxter's photo stream is that in the midst of many charming family photographs and travel vignettes, you will suddenly find yourself looking at a piece of pure landscape with that powerful numinous quality that says 'iconic.' Suddenly, you're seeing a whole branch of the Florida experience encapsulated in one image. Here's a place I've never been and have seen many times, principally in dreams. It could be any beach anywhere....but it's not. I always think of the Gulf as so still and so transparently green or silvery blue, because my experience of it is limited to peninsular towns such as Clearwater or the islands off Cedar Key. I've never been here, so why the powerful sense of deja vu that makes it so hard for me to stop staring into this photograph?
The sun creates an eerie scene on the St. Vincent Island on the Gulf of Mexico, " she says. I like the use of the present tense here because it's so true: this is happening right now. If you look at the full-sized image, it's like an impressionist painting, with the shining white foam translated into cream-colored dots and flecks.
'Eerie Beach' by Judy Baxter (Old Shoe Woman) | See other photographs here | See full-sized image at Flickr, here
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