When I visit Clearwater Beach (in Pinellas County), I'm always amazed that what I remember most vividly about it is not just the result of imagination or a one-time fluke. It's just a beach town, isn't it?
Maybe, maybe not. That strange, pearly, pastel light really does pervade the whole place. You see it as you drive along the causeway from the town to the beach. It's most noticeable in late afternoon and early morning, and there are certainly days and times when the light is as harshly perpendicular as anywhere else. But more often than not there is this nacreous, numinous light over everything. I haven't encountered it elsewhere, not even elsewhere on the Tampa Bay. Maybe it really isn't the same sun that shines down on the rest of us Floridian, beautiful as our sun is......
The extremely soft blue-greys and silvery pinks are entirely characteristic and are what set Clearwater Beach apart from any other place for me. I'm glad these photographers succeeded in capturing it, because I never did. This is what I remember:
"Sunset at Clearwater Beach, FL" by Yehuda Bilbao | To see his other photographs, click here | To see the full-sized version of this image, click here
I do not own the rights to this photograph, but am using it in compliance with a Creative Commons license. Before saving or using the photograph, please consult the terms of the license. The license is shown here.
"Sunset" by Frank Gruber | website: Somewhat Frank | To see his other photographs, click here | To see the full-sized version of this image at Flickr, click here
I do not own the rights to this photograph, but am using it in
compliance with a Creative Commons license. Before saving or using the
photograph, please consult the terms of the license. The license is shown here.