Man, I love the Memphis Jug Band. And thanks to the wondrous Yazoo Records I was able to buy a recording of their music.
One of my friends who claims to be able to do "past lives" readings says I was African-American back in the days of the early Twentieth Century. Maybe it's so because nothing gives me the faux (or are they?) flashbacks known as deja vu like the real, raw musical stylings of the gutbucket/barrelhouse period. I'm talking about early blues, not jazz. It's exactly the combination of diffidence and detachment, of moan and resignation that hits me where I live, as they used to say.
Love Yazoo. Love it.
And I really enjoy this---a contemporary tribute by a band called Snakehead Run to the original Memphis players' "KC Moan", though without jugs and washboards, alas: