First of all, the opening for this episode was---bar none---the best ever. The only close contender was the "Dwight-Will-Salivate-for-Altoids" one from Phyllis's Wedding. The last scene is EQUALLY awesome. Because of moments like this, I-Tunes downloads are SO worth it, ya'll. You can watch them over and over!
Second, I am hoping that the general direction and tenor of this episode is pointing toward a resolution for the season I am really hoping for: Michael gets demoted and someone else (Jim? Cocktail Party, I thought, sort of hinted at this) takes over as boss. I say this because this was a major theme in the show I'm sorry but I just can't help still thinking of as The real Office and a very successful one. Being placed under Neil really brought out David Brent's dark[er] side. Why not Michael's? We've seen enough of Michael behaving [relatively] well [some of the time]. And the comic possibilities arising from the reactions of Dwight, Andy, Karen, and Pam are endless (showing that I hope Karen will still be with us). I think the show could benefit from a bit of darkening, frankly.
THE OPENING. Jim marches---quite, quite literally----through the door. I noticed right away that something was definitely off about him---though it took me longer than you'd probably guess to work out why.
For one thing, he's carrying one of those old-fashioned boxy briefcases that you carry by the handle Furthermore, his face looks as stiff as his posture, as if he were dead and stuffed. . Pam's eyes widen as he stalks past. Is she or is she not in on the joke? You be the judge.
When he sits down at his desk we see that he is wearing a short-sleeved peach-colored shirt and a more or less matching tie. (When did it start to be dorky for men to wear short sleeved shirts to work? Because, you know, it definitely is). Furthermore, his usual floppy do---so beloved by us all--- is slicked down flat and parted in the middle. Yes, there's something definitely different about Jim. What could it be?
With the minimum change in expression humanly possible to allow this, Jim squints at his computer screen. "Kinda blurry," he mutters. He pops open the briefcase and takes out a pair of giant glasses. "Jim's got glasses!" I said to Nick. Which is when I realized. I bet you were way ahead of me, weren't you? "That's better," he says to himself. Dwight looks up at him incuriously, still not seeing what it took me---but not you, of course---all this time to realize.
"QUESTION," says Jim. "What kind of BEAR is BEST?"
Dwight looks up, faintly puzzled. After reflecting briefly, he says, "That's a ridiculous question."
"FALSE," says Jim. "BLACK BEAR."
Dwight takes the bait. "That's debatable."
"FACT," Jim interrupts. "BEARS eat BEETS. BEARS. BEETS. BATTLESTAR. Galactica." He Dwightishly smacks his lips over the initial explosive "B" in each word, as if finding the savor of his own words delicious beyond expectation.
"Bears do not eat beets----" Dwight begins. Realization dawns. "What are you doing?"
Cut to Jim in the conference room, still wearing the dork specs. While shopping at his local drugstore, Jim saw the glasses on sale: "Four dollars." It only cost him seven dollars "to recreate the rest of the ensemble" for---he beeps the calculator button on his multi-functional digital watch---a grand total of "eleven dollars." He holds up his wrist to the camera so that we can check out the twin to Dwight's black digital watch.
Dwight has decided to take the position that "imitation is the most sincere form of flattery (sic)." Jim just smiles, opens his briefcase and takes out...a Bobblehead. He sets it down next to his keyboard.
Eyes waving about on stalks, Dwight shouts that identity theft is not a joke. "Millions of families suffer every year!"
Jim stares at him, then bellows, "MICHAEL!" He jumps up from his desk---his spine still completely perpendicular--- and stalks out of the screen, in search of Michael.
"Oh, that's funny," says Dwight. Then he bellows "MICHAEL!" He scampers (herkily-jerkily, natch) after Jim. John Kraskinski could totally have played the Dwight role (which---if memory serves---he read for).
And the opening credits roll! Lots of fake accents and yelling in this one, hurray!
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