You see what is happening, don't you?
I FINALLY get a blog that I had to promise to share and before I even have time to think of anything to say, Bigfoot just, like, shoves his giant paws right in and takes over!
You do NOT have to read his stuff, okay? He does nothing all the time except go on and on and on about "the Bright Return" and Cat Heaven and waw waw wow. Which I have already told you all about here!
If the lady lets him blog as much as he talks you will never have anything here to read except Sam going blog blog blog about, like, Meditations and Poetry and other stuff NOBODY wants to read, or hear about, except maybe ONCE.
Before you start thinking that he is so great and some kind of Saint like the lady and the man think he is, LOOK AT HIS FRONT PAWS. You can see them in the "painting" the lady made (she never makes a painting of me!!!!) but the painting doesn't even really show you because we never talk about them! He won't let you look at his paws because they have an extra paw attacked to them in front! And we don't talk about them because he has extra claws as well, which he will use if you laugh at them!
So before you think he is some kind of Saint, just look at the picture at the top of the page because he is NOT a saint and will do ANYTHING to get catnip. He steals catnip from me and Lydia! HE IS NOT A SAINT.
Also this blog that the man wrote about me last night in HIS blog is unfair and not true and, like, completely UNFAIR. I do NOT have a squeaky voice; it is very musical! And the lady and the man have both started coughing on purpose to make me complain and when I do, they mock me and laugh! It is unfair!
Also my moral instincts are fine! And Sam is a "pompous git"! (this means somebody who talks too much and thinks everyone thinks they are great and the man says it a lot when we watch The Prime Minister's Questions on television!)