She came back two days ago and acted like nothing had happened! At first I ran and hid from her because I wasn't sure she was the same person because she smelled different but Lydia said don't be stupid of course it is her! When she went upstairs to put her stuff away I smelled her shoes which smelled like Other Cats! I have never smelled other cats except Lydia and Sam, but Sam said it was the smell of Other Cats and was very upset about it, but he got in the lady's lap anyway because he is a traitor!
While she was away, I got to sleep in her chair and my fur got all over it but she acted like it was still her chair! She pushed me right out and I ran away and got under the couch. She tries to pet me but I won't let her! Lydia won't let her either. Lydia is REALLY mad! She says the lady she used to have in her third return when she was a beatnik left her alone all the time and that a Self-Respecting Cat won't stand for it or let the lady get away with it, so she isn't letting the lady who lives with us again get away with it either!!! She meows if the lady tries to pet her and turns her back on her! And I am still running and hiding from her because I am not letting her get away with it EITHER!
I do not blame you one bit for being mad!
Posted by: Daisy the Curly Cat | June 23, 2007 at 04:40 PM