Welcome to the Main Page for Damozel's Weblogs!
UPDATED 12.14.07!
This is my big page o' daily updates to all the blogs (listed below) where I post my actual content. In other words, it's the homepage or "home blog" or mother blog of all my blogs. Or to put it another way: It's where I blog about my blogs. How meta! as they say.
The categories shown on the sidebar on the right are the archives for the "home blog" where you'll find material posted here (with links to my other blogs).
MY FLATLAND ALMANACK "SUBLOGS" (dealing with specific topics) are as follows:
- The Flatland Chronicles: My online journal (now and then) and blog of valuable miscellany (valuable t for valuable--to me, anyway. It's where I post my "link of the day."
- The Flatland Digital Artwork Clipart Gallery. Abstract digital clipart, free to those who like it. Thousands of pieces.
- The Marginal Christian's Handbook (formerly The Heretic's Handbook). A liberal God-botherer vs. the Church of Christ without Christ. After all, Jesus IS the Christian left.
- Anglo-Saxon Attitudes: An Anglophile's File. A yank's eye view of British culture, when I have anything to say about it. .
- Floridiana Gloriana: Florida photography. A photoblog celebrating the glorious hidden Florida beyond the attractions, parking lots, and strip malls. It's there; you just have to know where to look for it. I don't post there that often, but there are some gorgeous photographs on file there.
- Just Eat the Damn Peach. Books, television, websites and past-times that have seen me through. Recaps (long ones) of The Office, reviews of my favorite ghost stories, and anything else vaguely A & E that I feel like posting. J
- Love in the Time of the Internets. My advice is as good as most people's. At least it's backed up by the experience of making every possible mistake I had the chance to make. I don't post there often, but maybe that'll change.
The Disquieting Damozel. The anxiety blog: death, grief, panic, disability, illness, and other stresses of adult life in the 21st Century. We're not in Wonderland anymore, Alice. Though since I've been pretty cheery lately, I haven't posted much there. We'll see how THAT goes. - I Don't Like You Either. A new venture---I turned my old blog over to a set of satirists and curmudgeons. We'll see how THAT goes.
And of course, most important:
- BUCK NAKED POLITICS. The political blog I share with my friends and colleagues. You'll like it.