[previously published in "The Flatland Oracles"]
Based on a discussion with a young friend on his present-giving woes, I was inspired to write a little essay of my own experiences plus a tentative hypothesis concerning the key ingredient of the not-expensive-but-yet-delightful-private-joke-referencing gift. I offer my advice, as always, in the full confidence that anyone who reads it will apply it thoughtfully. The inexpensive-yet-delightful-private-joke-referencing gift is not an option for, say, one's mistress, at least on important occasions, though I highly recommend it for other types of events. A gift needs to be proportionately expensive in relation to how much basis there is for the recipient to feel unsure otherwise about the quality and amount of your love.
Finally, I was so blissed out by today's hit of the photo-blog "Cute Overload (TM)" that I just had to get the word out to my friends and family. So I reviewed it (link below). (I do realize that it is a piece of presumption for me to be reviewing anything, but since I only review things I like, I harm no one by doing so....)