We live in stressful times. One often has the impulse to fight or flee when there is really no one to fight and nowhere to run.
For today's meme, I decided to share what I've learned about panic attacks from my volunteer work and also---following a complete hysterectomy a few years back---my own experiences. It came out of the blue for me, and even after all the cases I'd seen I wouldn't admit or recognize what was happening when it started happening to me.
Since panic attacks seem to be on the increase, I thought I'd use the 13 to share some of the things I've learned with others...you never know, you know? You, or someone you know, may need this information.
For the Thursday 13, go to The Disquieting Damozel.
- Di at Di's Book Blog, Etc., listing 13 performers she wishes she could have seen in their prime.
- Donna at "Just Me," lists 13 ways she knows she is living in the country (includes the ability to rank animal waste in degrees of foulness!)
- Gattina (Writer's Cramps), listing 13 things people do when they're waiting.
- Hoyeya (Observations from Missy's Window), listing 13 Titles of the Wife of Pharaoh.
- Janet (Fond of Snape), listing 13 things she loves that begin with the letter "K."
- Kuanyin, listing 13 quotes from the DALAI LAMA (who just made a historic visit to Maui).
- Rose DesRochers--World Outside My Window, listing 13 sexual phobias.
Panic attacks would be horrible. I'm an uptight, rather high-strung person as it is without feeling anxiety like that. I sure feel for those who suffer from that.
Posted by: Michelle | 29 April 2007 at 05:56 PM
Just remember this: Sometimes people think they are having panic attacks when they are having heart episodes. My husband went for two years like this, and it could have killed him.
Posted by: Donna W | 26 April 2007 at 05:17 PM
Very good information...mahalo for posting this! And Happy TT!
Posted by: Kuanyin | 26 April 2007 at 03:00 PM
Hmmm...maybe this is why I don't get many hot flashes! Great list, I'm going to forward it to a friend who suffered from panic attacks.
Posted by: Janet | 26 April 2007 at 09:32 AM
Very good description of panic attacks, but unfortunately no one can really understand what it is unless he/she experienced it him/herself. Because men can get it too, especially after a prostate operation. It's just like everything in theory, practice is completely different. It's worse ! I wish to nobody to experience this one day. It was the most awful time in my life when I had this many years back !
Posted by: Gattina | 26 April 2007 at 02:18 AM
I found your article helpful as I have just begun having what I think are Panic Attacks.
Posted by: Rose | 26 April 2007 at 01:48 AM