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« Versus/Reversus for 25 April 2007. Dances with Shrubs; He's a Victim Too! | Main | Quote[s] for the Day: Giuliani; Bill Moyers on the Press's Role as Enabler. »

26 April 2007



Panic attacks would be horrible. I'm an uptight, rather high-strung person as it is without feeling anxiety like that. I sure feel for those who suffer from that.

Donna W

Just remember this: Sometimes people think they are having panic attacks when they are having heart episodes. My husband went for two years like this, and it could have killed him.


Very good information...mahalo for posting this! And Happy TT!


Hmmm...maybe this is why I don't get many hot flashes! Great list, I'm going to forward it to a friend who suffered from panic attacks.


Very good description of panic attacks, but unfortunately no one can really understand what it is unless he/she experienced it him/herself. Because men can get it too, especially after a prostate operation. It's just like everything in theory, practice is completely different. It's worse ! I wish to nobody to experience this one day. It was the most awful time in my life when I had this many years back !


I found your article helpful as I have just begun having what I think are Panic Attacks.

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