You know, there are some things one feels that it's better for everyone if you just don't say. Or at least don't say out loud.
Jerry Falwell offended a lot of people---in my opinion on solid grounds---and was insensitive (to put it mildly) in a number of instances in which insensitivity was (to put it mildly) uncalled for.
One person whom he directly criticized was the Teletubby (now retired), Tinky Winky, whom he accused of role-modeling gay behavior. I loved Tinky Winky (not as much as La-La, but still a lot) back in the days when I was forced to watch endless replays of the TTs while looking after my stepchildren. I love (the retired) Tinky Winky more now, because he spoke of Falwell with comparative restraint. And unlike most of the people who are gleefully dancing on Falwell's grave, he had some reason to be angry with him.
The whole issue set me thinking about the persecution complex of many Christians and wondering hard about how they got to feeling that they ARE persecuted. Surely the shoe has been pretty firmly on the other foot?
Anyway, thank God Jon Swift is around to set me straight on that one... Falwell, Tinky-Winky, Jon Swift, and the Persecuted Church.