Damozel is on vacation, so PBSmind and I (the Crux) are covering. Eyebrow-raising stuff has transpired. Here are some highlights:
Krugman Points out Romney's Iraq-War Whopper
Paul Krugman's column (Lies, Sighs and Politics) asserts: "the bad media habits that helped install the worst president ever in the White House haven't changed a bit." Krugman gives real examples from presidential-debate coverage. (Read more)
Two Booted off Joint Chiefs of Staff
Yesterday, I noted that General Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was essentially being booted out. Since then, I learned that Vice Chairman Admiral Edmund Giambastiani will also get the boot. (Read more)
Dems Battle over Emissions Bill
Congress is actually wrangling over a bill that would make it illegal for states to enact legislation that outstrips the federal government's glacial pace at halting the vehicular emissions that contribute to global warming. (Read more)
Senate to Hold No-Confidence Vote on Gonzales
Despite Presidential cries of "pure political theater," the U.S. Senate will hold a "no confidence" vote on Monday re: U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales --unless he resigns first. (Read more)
Italia Federici Pleads Guilty, May Bring Down Former Official
Italia Federici pled guilty to charges stemming from the probe of lobbyist-turned-prison-inmate Jack Abramoff. Federici is the second person with close ties to former Interior Secretary Gale Norton to plead guilty re: the Abramoff scandal . (Read more)
Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton was in jail, released to serve the rest of her sentence on mansion-arrest, then sent back to the clink. (Read more)