BUCK NAKED POLITICS. Here's where it lays as of today, Feb.22 2008:
Feb. 16
D. Cupples wanted it on the record: NY Times Erred: Delegate Not Leaving Clinton for Obama? (updated). Hmmm.
Ah, the magic of Barack Obama. And he loves you. Yes, you. And you too.
Teh Nutroots, as a Floridian, has HAD IT with the DNC. Don't come whining to him (or to me) about superdelegates and Hillary's alleged 'finessing' of the 'rules.' Screw the DNC, its rules, and all who sail in them.
In the meantime, the media seems determined to reframe anything Bill Clinton says into the alternative universe version
Feb. 17
Did I just make this story up? Hardly anyone seems to be talking about it. Is Al Gore the solution to division among the Dems? Or does he even want to be? Save us, Al Gore.
At the HuffPost, Larry C. Johnson discusses how the Right plans to undermine Obama. I am not sure how I dared to discuss it. Unless you're flinging rose petals into the American Idol's path, his fans will come after you with pitchforks.
Feb. 18
The media creates some intrigue: Obama's 'secret' meeting with Edwards! And Clinton!
Feb. 19
D Cupples defends Obama against plagiarism. But not against the lesser included offense: Obama a Plagiarist? No, He Just Lacks Originality (Updated)
I raise the question that Obama's fanbase doesn't want to think about: Has Obama Been Sufficiently Vetted to Survive the GOP Machine? LALALALALALALALA THEY CAN'T HEEEEAR ME.....
Feb. 20
McCain and Obama win Wisconsin and Hawaii. Yep.
'Plagiarism' is a harsh word for it. D Cupples isn't going to go there. But does his 'borrowing' without attribution, when rhetoric is such a keystone of his famed charisma, raise any questions about his character? D Cupples considers.
Feb. 21
McCain: A sex scandal? A sex 'n ethics scandal? Teh Nutroots doesn't give a damn. He just can't stop rolling his eyes over the faked up 'outrage' from the Right and Left.
Feb. 22
THE MEDIA WOULD LIKE YOU TO KNOW....Clinton got booed when she mentioned 'plagiarism.' They're less interested in telling you that she got a standing O. D Cupples discusses it here.