Mar. 21
The Flag Officers who endorsed Hillary explained why she would make a better commander-in-chief. Media coverage? Little to none.
Bill Richardson decided that all the help he received from Bill
Clinton in getting his own political career in motion didn't obligate
him to support Hillary. He endorsed Obama.
Hillary's, Obama's, and McCain's passport files were breached, putting a stop to the speculation that Hillary was behind it all that immediately followed the initial story (that Obama's files were breached).
James Carville compared Bill Richardson to Judas. He has since completely failed to apologize. D Cupples enjoyed pointing at Bill Richardson's blatantly staged endorsement speech.
Meanwhile, one of Obama's campaign co-chairs compared Bill Richardson to Sen. Joe McCarthy.
Much as I don't care for Obama's tactics or wish to reward them, this
illustrative video should serve as a warning to Americans: lighten up,
or it will be raining McCain (please see the illustrative video).
Andrew Sullivan thinks it's terribly insulting to Obama that Hillary would presume to propose that he be Vice President. Who does she think she is? he snips. The answer being: Hillary Clinton. Who on earth do you think you are?
Are Obama's advisers less progressive than advertised? So it seems. (Thanks to No Quarter for reprinting the story!)
D Cupples would like for you to know that just because we don't care for your candidate doesn't mean we don't like you or your mama.
No Quarter's Larry Johnson rebuked Obama for the McCarthy slur.
Paul Krugman on why the financial crisis isn't at the center of the debates. He had some depressing answers.
D Cupples would like to explain some facts about the electoral college to Obama's supporters---and you too.
The media were too excited by the news that Hillary's little anecdote about running through sniper fire in Bosnia was, um, embellished to care about Obama's habit of taking credit for legislation on which other senators had done all the work. He was busy campaigning, you see.
Hillary upset Obama's campaign by actually discussing the mortgage crisis (take that, Paul Krugman!)
D Cupples had a word or two to say about the audacity of hypocrisy. But that doesn't mean we think you should vote for McCain. That's just crazy talk. McCain is Bush version 2.0.
John Murtha said nice things about Hillary's problem-solving skills.
Those who don't believe in the anti-Obama backlash really need to read this. But both Hillary and Obama want to remind you: DEMS SHOULDN'T VOTE FOR MCCAIN.
Big Clinton campaign donors would have Nancy Pelosi and interested others to know: they want the primaries to continue.
D Cupples has some news about current polls for those chomping at the bit to write Hillary off.
HELLO? Hillary's health care plan really IS better.