First, I most definitely did NOT like this story about a woman who stayed on a toilet for so long (two years) that her skin grew around it, her legs atrophied, and she had to have surgery.
While I did like Sean Wilentz's piece in The New Republic (written in response to that awful NYT op-ed), I did not like reading about the tactics used by Obama's campaign and I did not like hearing any Dem accuse others of race-baiting, even when the shoe is on the other foot.
I did not like Keith Olbermann's nakedly partisan and unfair comments on Hillary and her campaign.
I did not like the implications of some of Obama's 2006 earmarks or the fact that he is calling for Clinton to disclose all of hers at the same time he is refusing to disclose his earmarks during the period he was in the Illinois legislature. Meet the New Politics, just like the Old Politics!
I did not like TPM's Josh Marshall blaming Hillary Clinton---I forget through what twists of logic---for the revelations about Obama's angry minister.
To see the whole set of things I did not like, you can just click here.