Unless otherwise stated, all writings and images are my property. You are free to make nonderogatory use of any of them pursuant to a "Creative Commons" license, provided that you give attribution by linking to page on which the material appears and giving attribution to "Damozel (The Flatland Almanack) with a link to the homepage. I don't want it to be used in connection with any site promoting spam, pornography, or any activity which would compromise the individual dignity of my fellow human beings. If in doubt, you can ask.
Continuing my collection of well-remembered songs, I have collected at The Flatland Chronicles videos of two well-known "singer's songs": Che fiero costume and Intorno All'Idol Mio. (Sinatra would not have liked them.)
BN-Politics and The Moderate Voice are keeping me really busy these days, so I've turned my political blog (formerly 'Versus') over to a co-blogger (Teh Nutroots) from Buck Naked Politics. He and a few carefully chosen curmudgeons are going to be posting satire, poetry, parody, and other political commentary for progressives. Since it's technically my blog, I'll post updates here, at least for now.
To kick things off, here's a most excellent and charming video of two of my favorite Brits on the planet---Ricky Gervais and Gordon Ramsay---being very funny. 'The F Word' is my favorite Ramsay vehicle and Gervais is always rewarding in any context.
I am not dead. First, I was away in England for several weeks. Then I had to do extra duty at BN-Politics because my colleague was out of town. So first: a list of missing links for BN-Politics.