THE FLATLAND CHRONICLES. At "Open Grove" I found a list of 12 ready-made resolutions for New Year's, being very tired----again, some more----of the way I make everything, even the things I do for fun, into a source of strain and tension. True, this is a stressful time. But even when I'm not under any outside stress, the way I get myself going is by means of threats and rebukes. I even remember now where I learned to do this! So even knowing in advance the high failure rate of resolutions to break old habits, I am going to give it a whirl. (Blogcombing Claudia)
Another friend of mine set out a list of editing tasks that infuriate and frustrate her (sound of hollow laughter). It's one of those pages you see that you know will come in handy later on. (Blogcombing Serious Writer)