To see all images in a category, click on the heading rather than on the individual items.
ANTIQUE [<<click to see all]
- Jewelled Buttons (1); Antique Buttons--1920's style; Antique Buttons---Victorian;
- Peach and Gold (2); Antique Button (Purple and Gold); Patterned ornament;
- Braided copper and pewter; Golden fission; Antique cufflinks.
- Jacket buttons. Antique cufflinks 2. Antique gold. Old gold and black. Jewelled mosaic.
- Turquoise and gold mosaic. Butterflies, crescent moons and star. Antique button in white and gold. Recondite. I will be the pink and silver..
- The Old King's Winter Cloak. The Bronze Age. Primitive Sun (the Winter Solstice).
- Golden Links. Elm Street, Circa 1965
[01.23.07]: Marcus Junius Brutus. Servilia Octavian. Cleopatra Niobe
[01.31.07] Nefertiti ; The Green Man's Buckle
[02.10.07] Victoriana
The Vicar's Embroidered Slippers (Homage to E.F. Benson); Old-Fashioned Love Gift; Iron and Verdigris; Victorian Garden Show; Coin of the Realm; Eirene; Light Through Old Amber; Old Hollywood Chintz
- Pendant 3---red jewel. Strange jewel. The flower wheel. Remembering Katrina.
- Eeeeevil! Except Not. An object Lesson. Glass bottles (blue-green). Golden, um, Frisbee.
- Peach and yellow bauble? Four-pointed star in shell. Silver hurricane [unspinning..].
- Sunburst in Clay (for Fran). Globe & hieroglyphs. Egg with jewel.
- Star with "eye" on painted clay. Votive. Gilt box. Magic candle. Silver flying saucer.
- Pink and silver mosaic. Alien sculpture. Ancient sorceries. Blue enamel with gold leaf details.
- Aquamarine and white star cube. Force field. Gold under glass. Green striped purple pebble (2 images).
- Force Field 2. The Mystery. A Map of the Temple (2 Versions). "M" Cube.
- Green glass and a view of sky and clouds. Copper Talisman. Leonardo's Timepiece.
- Sacred. The portent (Teal Star). The portent 2 (Terra Cotta Star).
- Jealous Hearts. The Flatland Arcana. The Magus Stone. Fiberoptic Web. The Book of Changes.
01.23.07: Mark Antony; Titus Pullo.
01.31.07: The Return of the Saucer People
02.10.07: Ancient Chaldean Lady's Timepiece; A False Spring; The Golden Seal
03.10.07. Snake Eyes; Relic; Snake Eyes 2; The Wishing Stone
ARTSY. [<<click to see all]
- Confetti. Peach and gold (1). Beads. String theory. Pendant---blue on black.
- Pink and blue pendant. Lacquered box. Pink and blue pendant 2 (kissing snakes).
- Black paperweight with confetti. City lights in the rain. Crystal rings. Flower bubble.
- Star-lidded pillbox. Modern art brooch. Silver ornament. Fleur-de-lys.
- Chiffon box (in honor of Mom). Dragonfly gems. Woven metal. Winged ornaments.
- Earth-toned gemstones. Four-pointed petal star. Reflections in the watering hole (in memory of Steve Irwin).
- Tunnel. And not just any tunnel. Midnight blue. Green gold flowering.
- The Lost Arts. Japanese Abstract. Japanese Abstract 2. Strange art forms. Basket weave.
- Pink and silver petals. Neutral with neon. Strange art forms 2 (red and white).
- Butterflies (blue and yellow). Blue waves, red satin roses. The Lost Arts 2.
- Wheel in silver and gold. Garnet, silver, and platinum. Seascape (2 images). Neon Blue with amethyst beads.
- Impact. Violet on Violet. Angels. Brazil. The Mystery 2. Slipping Away. Silver rose, sapphire blue.
- Changing Petals; Strange Flowerings. Retroversion. Unscrolled Envy. Light of Other Times.
- Haiku. Rose Petals. Stone Gems. Sidewalk Art. Clouds, Sky, Sun. Eye Candy.
01.23.07: Sea, Stone, & Storm.
01.31.07: Spinning Indigo (for Caroline); Sky Dancers; A Path Through the Air; The Box of Spring Flowers; Seaflower 2
02.10.07: Her Flying Car; The Revelator; Iridescent Spinners
ARTSY 2 [<click to see all] The Sparks Fly Upward; Sunbirth
03.10.07: ARTSY 2 [<<click to see all]: What Goes Around; Ribbons, Butterfly Wings, and Stranger Inclinations; The Souvenir; Proliferating Joy; Flowers for Caroline (a Birthday Tribute); Flowers for Caroline 2 (A Birthday Tribute for my Mother); Blue and Golden Leaves; Mazy Motions Toward the Rose Garden; Gulf Coast Sunset (Southwest Florida); Lioncentric (for an Old Friend, CDM); Spring and Summer; Friday's Child
CARVED IN STONE [<<click to see all]:
Tessellations; Sinister Flowers 3; The Magdalene Garland; Even Inanity Opens Onto Mystery; The Tunnel at the End of the Light; Sailing to Byzantium; Spinning Sun; Star and Cloud (Primitive); Simple Color; The Wishing Stone; Gulf Coast Sunset (Southwest Florida); Lioncentric (for an old friend, CDM); Citrus Sunrise; Some Candles Burn at Both Ends; The Rose Mandala
CRAFTSY [<<click to see all].
- Copper box. Sofa cushion. Denim and felt. Purple cushions for Carlan.
- Flower mandala. Green platter with sunburst. Red and blue decorations.
- Red and blue ornament 2. Multi-colored "flower." Pink flower box, purple flower box.
- Fingerpainted flowers on clay. Painted clay. Ceramics 2. Ceramics 3.
- Pink candle. Wax tulips. Tiles. Carved Lapis ornament. Paper star and antique lace.
- Detail from Mosaic. Multi-colored porcelain. Blue clay. Blue tile with gold and amethyst inlaid.
- Sculpted mosaic tile. Looking Southwest 2. Handcrafted clay bead in Southwestern Colors.
- The carousel ride. Florida Ornament 2: Christmas in the Sunshine State
01.23.07: Birthday Star Blue Flower in the Sun 1.
02.10.07. Ancient Chaldean Lady's Timepiece
03.10.07: Cherished Recollections; The Old-Fashioned Valentine; Blue and Orange Persuasion; Everybody is a Star; Hippie Tie-Dye Dead Head Lamp; Flora's Child; Turquoise and Silver; Sun Flower 3, Southwestern
CROSSES [<<click to see all].
- Grapes and pomegranete. Bronze & Gold Cross. Blue & gold cross. Jewelled cross.
- Cross with inset mosaic. Copper crosses. Miniature cross in gold with hyacinths.
- Jewel crosses. Mystical cross: Light against darkness. Gold tubular cross with jewelled centerpiece.
- Sapphire cross. Gold cactus flower cross. Cross with inlaid sapphires.
- Antique silver cross with rubies. Green and silver stone cross. Gold and silver cross.
- Carved cross in lavender slate. Blue embossed cross (five shades of blue).
- Pink enamelled cross. Stone crosses, southwestern colors. Grey stone cross with red and white flowers.
- Ancient cross in red and gold. Platinum cross. Blue flower cross. Magdalene cross.
- Red and purple cross. Southwestern Cross. Neon Violet Cross.
- Grail Cross. "Who is that on the Other Side of You?" Stone Gem. Grail Cross 2.
01.23.07: An Ancient Cross.
01.31.07. Jigsaw Cross (for Howard).
02.10.07: Equinoctial Cross (Vernal); Violet Cross Pattee (Modified)
[03.10.07]: Progressive Xianity (honoring Ann LaMott); The Open Door;
CUTE. [<<click to see all]
- Cute sea serpents. Flying rainbow ladies. "High twos!" Baby tropical fish (blue).
- Baby tropical fish (violet). Cute cactus. Alien pizza. Nuns eating melons/folded petals.
- Burgundy and silver globe. Fish heads. Cute Tentacles. Under the Sea.
01.31.07. Bluebirds at the Fountain ; Cute or Scary? Little Ghosts
03.10.07. Love and Fishes; The 7 Fat Daughters of the Goddess Bast (for all cats, but especially mine); Fish Problems
FABRIC. [<<click to see all]
- Blue silk scarf. Red silk scarf. Big funky felt seventies flower. Silver silk scarf for Julie.
- Indian scarf (for Julie too). Parallelogram. Silver scarf 2. Decorations on lavender silk.
- Swirl banner. Striped satin. Blue and silver brocade. Red velvet sachet.
- Black Leather. Feather scarf. Embroidered sunburst. Silver and garnet satin.
- Satin detail (silver, pewter, and bronze). White rose in leather. Golden satin sachet.
- Blue sun (leather). Looking southwest. Gold-leafed Indian Cloth. Double Eastern Starflower.
- Four pointed stitched satin star. Red Rose Sunburst Banner. Imperial Kimono (Detail).
- Lavish Expectations. The Old King's Winter Cloak (also in "Antique").
- Afternight Sunlight on Antique Silk.
01.23.07. The Three Fates.
01.31.07. The Vicar's Embroidered Slippers [Homage to E.F. Benson]
02.10.07: Chaos Bound; Platinum Sun
03.10.07. Tangled Up in Blue (Homage to Bob Dylan); Blue and Orange in Batik; Garnets on Satin; Garnets Against a Black Sky; Mazy Motions Toward the Rose Garden; Everybody is a Star; Old Hollywood on Chintz
GLASS. [<<click to see all]
- Carnival glass. Water lilies. Glass paperweight. Glass paperweight 2.
- Pendant 2---aurora borealis. Confetti ice. Glittering sphere.
- Pendant with glittering centerpiece. Potpourri jar. Crystal ornament.
- Ice cube. Blue glass. Painted glass. Blue and silver mosaics. Shining pink glass.
- Glass flower. Oriel window in stained glass. Bronze and silver glass mosaic stars.
- Glass ornament. Glass tulips. Iridescent teal cut glass. Iridescent violet cut glass.
- Glass sculpture over metallic silk. Patterned glass bead. Multi-colored rainbow glass.
- Floating boxes. Prismatic lights (2 images). Cut glass (2 images). Beaded glass (emerald).
- Crystal stars. The garden view. Braided Color. "Who is that on the Other Side of You?"
- Painted Glass. Fire Under Glass. New Aspirations. Trade Winds. The Back Garden.
- Glass Beads. Through the Dark Glassily (for Jackie).
01.31.07. Flowers Under Glass; Prismatic Globe; Tiffany Effects (for Merle); The Reliquary
02.10.07: Frivolous Things; Braided Glass 2
GLASS 2: Golden Days (for my Father)
03.10.07:Thistle Blossom Stained Glass (Opalescent) [A Tribute to Ashley Jensen!]; Tilting Tiffany; The NEW Octavian (Octavian v.2); Light Through Old Amber; The Muzak Box; The Color Catcher
- Gold Satin Christmas Star. Christmas ornament. Luminous 2. Christmas Lights.
- Red Velvet Star. Red Satin Star. Gold holiday wreath. Gold holiday wreath 2.
- Glittering peppermint. Lighted ornament. Ornament (mandala) in Magi colors (red, green, white).
- Gold poinsettia. Christmas card designs: The beautiful season (by MET).
- Christmas card design: My imaginary Christmas Tree (by MET).
- So Merry (Christmas card design). Star crystal ornament. Solstice Star.
- Holiday ribbons, bows, and stars. Tree brilliant. Clay tile with carved gold star.
- Medallions carved in jade and carnelian. Seasonal Mystique .Ancient Star.
- Deep blue and gold ornament. Stitched silk with solstice colors. Dancing metallic gold star.
- Strictly Christmas--Holiday Wreath. Festival Box. Strictly Christmas 2---Berry Wreath.
- Mother of Pearl Ornament. Red and Green Ceramic Wreath (tree ornament).
- Four pointed stitched satin star. A Rose E'er Blooming. Holiday Treat.
- Topaz & Lapis Ornament. Florida Christmas Ornament. Rainbow Ornament.
- Silver rose, sapphire blue. Glass globe in soft blue & gold. New World Ornament---Remembering the Crocodile Hunter.
- New Year Flowering. Florida Ornament 2: Christmas in the Sunshine State.
- Jealous Hearts.
INSPIRED BY THE HBO TV SERIES, "ROME": [<<click to see all]
01.23.07: Marcus Junius Brutus; Servilia; Octavian; Cleopatra; Niobe; Mark Antony; Titus Pullo; Lucius Vorenus; Atia; Julius Caesar; In re: Servilia [2]; Octavia
01.31.07. Atia 2; Octavian 2 [Augustus]
02.10.07: Julius Caesar 2
03.10.07. Eirene; The NEW Octavian (Octavian v.2); Marcus Junius Brutus 2 (Requiem);
- Pale Flower. "Desiderata." Earth tones---golden glass. Teal lace from a Florida photograph.
- Gold and silver seals. Carved agate (for Fran). Gold shield. Shards.
JEWELRY. [<<click to see all]
- Like cloisonne. More (and better) virtual cloisonne. Butterfly brooch.
- Dragon's eye jewel. Another version of the green and gold pendant.
- Brooch. Sea flower (in honor of my mother). Floating gemstones.
- Inset jewel. Silver brooch with amethysts. Elaborate bead.
- Gold and sapphire bead. Antique amethysts. Engraved gold cufflinks.
- Sea beads. Pink cloisonne. Gold and aqua on silver. Mauve flower with blue and gold.
- Starflower. Peacock Pendant Number 1. Peacock Pendant Number 2 (with silver).
- Violet pendant. Cyan brooch with diamond. Pigeon's blood garnets with pearls.
- Enamelled pendant. Empress bead. Flower pendant. Flower bead.
- Gravitas (silver and onyx brooch). The princess's cloak pin.
- Topaz & Lapis Ornament.
01.23.07: Guenivere's Buckle; Atia; Julius Caesar
01.31.07. The Alchemist's Amulet
02.10.07: Dragon's Egg 1; Victoriana; Sunflower Brooch
03.10.07: Turquoise and Silver; Deep Purple, Silver Lining
MANDALAS. [<<click to see all]
- Neon mandala. Stone mandala. Polished metal stone. Pink flower mandala.
- Stone and silver. Their game. Mermaid eye. Wheel and cup.
- Blue and gold sculpture. Gold leaf detail. Sacred stone.
- Paper frills. Velvet frills. Flower mandala. Stone mandala 2. Flower mandala 2.
- Flower mandala 3. Primitive mandala. Blue and white ribbon mandala.
- Silvered leather. Flower mandala 4. Silver brocade ribbons; magic wheel.
- Tropic of Capricorn. The Well (silver, dark grey, and gold mandala).
- New World Ornament---Remembering the Crocodile Hunter
- New Year Flowering. A Talismanic Shield---Celebrating the Winter Solstice.
- Fortuna's Wheel. Reminders. Biological clock.
- Lapsis Exiliis.
MANDALAS 2. [<<click to see all]
01.23.07: Under the Sea; Blue Flower in the Sun 1; Blue Flower in the Sun 2
01.31.07. The Greening Hills; The Peacock Throne
02.10.07: Jade Flower; Flowering Stone/Stony Flower
03.10.07. Spirit Flowers; The Magdalene Garland; The Tunnel at the End of the Light; Simple Color; The Color Catcher; Lily Star of India; Flora's Child; The Rose Mandala
MODERN. [<<click to see all]
- Sunburst (derived from a Florida photograph). Purples, blues, and greens (2).
- Sinister flowers---aqua on black. Sinister flowers---cobalt on black.
- Metalwork (indigo) flowers. Glass flower globe in pink.
- Starfish on rocks (evening and morning). Red and gold mosaic.
- Ribbon twists. Purple mosaics. Molten gold. Neon columns.
- Radiance (blue and green). Radiance (blue green and red).
- Green links. Emergent sphere (red and gold). Enamelled grid (rose, purple, and gold).
- Modern mosaic. Inlaid cabachoned emeralds. Inlaid cabachoned aquamarines.
- Pink neon, blue water. Burgundy tile. Mosaic in onyx and pale blue.
- Emergent sphere 2 (purple and orchid). Green fields. Rough gradations.
- Tie pattern. Insouciant Stripes. Radiance 1. Red Columns & City Lights.
- Soft, soft blue. Aloof. Formalities. Medallions carved in jade and carnelian.
MODERN 2. [<<click to see all]
- Old Gold & Turquoises. Butterfly Bands (Teal/Blue/Violet). Butterfly Bands 2 (Violet/Mauve/Pink).
- Miriam. Judith. Tarpon Springs. Sunset on the Gulf. Lunatic's Buttons.
- Unscrolled Envy. Tie Pattern 2. Carlan. Through the Dark, Glassily (for Jackie).
01.23.07. Lucius Vorenus
01.31.07. Harlequin and Columbina.
02.10.07: Julius Caesar 2; Green's Green Apogee (for Maureen-Anne); Allegations and Hints; Many Little Souls in Progress; Blue Bubble; Digital Lyre; The Things We Forget to Remember; Peppermint Leather
03.10.07: Marcus Junius Brutus 2 (Requiem]; Hold that Tiger!; A Rich Simplicity; Feminist Fuschia; Citrus Sunrise; The Sixties Resurgen
MOONS, STARS, AND PLANETS. [<<click to see all]
- Nick Drake Moon. Gold star. Forbidden planet. Iridescent star. Teal planet.
- Tilting globe in orange and gold. Silver star. Graffiti Moon.
- (Irish-)Dancing Star (for Martin H.) Sea star. The man in the moon.
- Magic planet. Floating moon
- Satin stars. Perelandra. Sun. Star and wheel. Green mosaic star.
- The dark side of the moon. Strange shadows. View through the porthole.
- Paper star. Blue metallic star. Starflower. Satin sunburst.
- Green star. Planet and matrix. Starburst in golden wire. Green star 2 (in yellow and green stone).
- It's still a planet to me. Jelly bean star. Radiant Golden Star with Paper Lace.
- Winter Star/Solstice Sun Wallpaper. Magdalene Star Wallpaper.
- Happy New Year. Expecting 2007. Primitive Sun (the Winter Solstice) [also included under "Antique"]
- Ancient Star Dancing metallic gold star Glass globe in soft blue & gold. Birthday Star.
- Gallifrey.
01.31.07. Sol Invictus (The Unvanquished Sun); Butterfly Moon; Dark Star Spin
02.10.07: An Ancient Recording; Dove Star; Platinum Sun; Wraparound Copper; Nacreous Moon
03.10.07. Cherished Recollections; Fomalhaut; Twilight Time; All Things Must Pass (In Memorian: George Harrison); Star and Cloud (Primitive); New Day Yesterday (More Homage to Jethro Tull); Lily Star of India; Everybody is a Star; The Magdelene Star
ODD BLOSSOMINGS. [<<click to see all]
- Les fleurs du mal (aquamarine, emerald, and ruby red). Les fleurs du mal (garnet, amethyst, and emerald). Les fleurs du mal (amethyst, emerald, and sapphire).
- Boschian balloon art? For Rumcove. Luminous flowers. Blue velvet petals.
- Trumpet flowers. Mystical rose (purple and aquamarine).
- Mystical rose (emerald and gold). Asphodel, that greeny flower. Wild rose.
- Blue rose. Cactus flower. Elvenscript. Cyan flowers. Starflower (blue neons).
- Brocade ribbon crosses. Carved silver flower. Purple clay flower.
- Narcissus blossoms & fire lilies. Purple and white paper flower.
- Bronze and silver flower. Sunflower talisman. Extraterrestrial flower.
- 18 carat gold sunflower. Red Lily. Kiki, the Talking Flower. Orange Flower.
- Sun Flower. The Gypsy Rose. Rosebuds.
01.3`.07. Tiffany Effects (for Merle)
03.10.07. High Voltage Daffodils; Sinister Flowers 3; The Old-Fashioned Valentine; Old Hollywood on Chintz; Sun Flower 2, Southwestern
RIBBONS. [<<click to see all]
- Purples, blues, and greens. Silver and gold ribbon. Jewelled ribbon. Silk ribbon.
- Satin bow in teal (for Fran). Sapphire ribbon on white. Neon blue rosette.
- Cobalt blue rosette. Jewelled weave. Persimmons on silk. Multi-colored silk ribbons.
- Leather ribbons weave (bronze and blue). Ribbon art (blue green leather) [2 images]
- Universal mind. Purple and indigo ribbon art. Pink and orange ribbons: Remembering Karen.
- Pink lotus ribbon star. Frivolity round the Edges. Festival Box.
- Crocodilia: Once More for Steve Irwin.
- Rainbow Connection: Ed Helms, Ricky Gervais, Kermit, & Jim Henson).
- Light of Other Times [also under "Artsy"] .Rose Petals [also under "Artsy"].
- Daybreak. The Queen of Cups. Rain Bands.
- Afternoon Sunlight on Antique Silk.
01.23.07: The Three Fates.
01.31.07. The Greening Hills: The Peacock Throne
02.10.07: Chaos Bound; The Box of Blues
03.10.07. Pleasurable Detachment; Tangled Up in Blue [homage to Bob Dylan]; Chaos Theory
SCARY. [<<click to see all]
- Weird cartoon images---smirking demons. Send in the [scary, laughing] mimes.
- The mother-of-pearl circus. Weird little pictures. Screamers.
- Snake garden/garden snake. Stars and masks. Masks 2.
- The carnival mask. Skull Flower.
01.31.07. Cute or Scary? Little Ghosts
03.10.07. Snake Eyes; Snake Eyes 2
- Hippies in Springtime; Tessellations; Sinister Flowers 3;
- Fomalhaut; Rose Platinum; Marcus Junius Brutus 2 (Requiem);
- Ribbons, Butterfly Wings, and Stranger Inclinations;
- Proliferating Joy; Blue and Golden Leaves; Love and Fishes;
- Angelic Messengers (Progressive); The Tunnel at the End of the Light;
- Gold Rings; Sailing to Byzantium; Braided Violet;
- Light Through Old Amber; Chaos Theory; A More Colorful Angle;
- Hold that Tiger!; Blue and Orange Persuasion; Blue and Orange in Batik;
- Garnets on Satin; Garnets Against a Black Sky; A Rich Simplicity;
- Feminist Fuschia; Citrus Sunrise; The Magdalene Star;
- Spring and Summer; Sixties Resurgent; Friday's Child;
- Sun Flower 3, Southwestern
SIXTIES. [<<click to see all]
- Paper and plastic. The Sixties never go away. Clay flower. Metallic gold chrysanthemum.
- Back to the Aquarian Age. Pink lotus. Costume jewelry---iridescent starbursts.
- Flower child (for Carlan). Fire flower. Stoned soul picnic.
- The Golden Road to Unlimited Devotion. China Cat Sunflower. The Golden Road 2.
- Hippie Butterflies (in red, fuschia, and blue). Flower child flower. Feathered sunburst.
- Floating gemstones. Pink lemonade sunburst. Flower child flower.
- Tie-dyed mixed media picture. Luminous lamp (2 images). Love bead.
- Good morning, starshine. Remembering Jim Morrison. Radiant Star.
- Going for the One [Homage to "Yes"] Psychedelic Bubble Wrap. Flying Sorcery.
01.23.07: Blue Flower in the Sun 1 (janis).
02.10.07: Flowering Stone/Stony Flower; Glowstorm
03.10.07. Hippies in Springtime; High Voltage Daffodils; Spirit Flowers; Even Inanity Opens Onto Mystery; All Things Must Pass (In Memorian: George Harrison); The Muzak Box; Tangled Up in Blue (Homage to Bob Dylan); New Day Yesterday (More Homage to Jethro Tull); When the Music's Over, Turn Out the Lights (Remembering Jim Morrison, Part 2); Hippie Tie-Dye Dead Head Lamp; Sixties Resurgent
STRANGE GEMSTONES. [<<click to see all]
- Strange emerald. Aurora borealis. Aurora borealis 2. Strange rubies. Strange amethysts.
- Strange sapphires. Strange topaz. Strange emerald 2. Star sapphire.
- Floating orchid pearl. Floating blue-white diamond. Winter Receding. Pebble.
- Opal. Rose Stone. Cheap Sapphires, Watermelons, and Apricots.
- Thought Bubble. Emerald Globe.
01.23.07: Flowering Gemstone; In re: Servilia [2]; Octavia.
01.31.07. Butterfly Moon ; Atia 2 ; Octavian 2 [Augustus]
02.10.07: Dragon's Egg 1; Green's Green Apogee (for Maureen-Anne); Folded Bindings; Dragon's Egg 2
Dragon's Egg 4; Dragon's Egg 5 (Opalescent); Angelic Messengers (Progressive); Angelic Messeger (Progressive); Dragon's Egg 6 (for my friend Larry); When the Music's Over, Turn Out the Lights (Remembering Jim Morrison, Part 2); Garnets on Satin; Garnets Against a Black Sky; Deep Purple, Silver Lining
STRANGE RAINBOWS. [<<click to see all]
- Jewelled buttons. Strange rainbows 1. Strange rainbows 2 (darker).
- Rainbow weave. Rainbow horns/party hats. Painted prism. Rainbow jewel (in honor of Martha Beck).
- Ceramic rainbow. Rainbow mandala. Flying saucery. Jewelled weave. Rainbow butterflies.
- Rainbow stars, hearts, and leaves. Rainbow pebble. Prismatic wheels.
- Rainbow corona. Rainbow ceramic flower. Prismatic keyholes. Prismatic mosaic.
- In the Time of Prismatic Color. Rainbow Ornament. New Year Flowering.
- Braided Color. Solstice Rainbow. Pebble [also under "Strange Gemstones"]
- Rainbow Connection [Ed Helms, Kermit, Ricky Gervais & Jim Henson] [also under "Ribbons"]
- The Gypsy Rose [also under "Odd Blossomings"]. Rainbow Palm. Flying Rainbow Palms.
- Psychedelic Bubble Wrap.
01.23.07: Flowering Gemstone; Blue Flower in the Sun 2.
0 1.31.07. Flowers Under Glass; Prismatic Globe (The Hieronymous Globe); The Reliquary ; The Alchemist's Amulet; Atia 2
03.10.07. Proliferating Joy; Angelic Messengers (Progressive); Angelic Messenger (Progressive); Fish Problems; A More Colorful Angle; The Color Catcher; Friday's Child
TRIBUTE DESIGNS [<<click to see all];
- Nick Drake Moon 1;
- Silver Scarf (Julie B); Indian Scarf (for Julie B); Flower Child (for Carlan); Purple Cushions (for Carlan);
- Sea Flower (in Honor of my Mother);
- Satin Bow in Teal (for Frances); Sunburst in Clay (also for Frances)
- Rainbow Jewel (in Honor of Martha Beck)
- Carved Agate (for Fran)
- River-Dancing Star (for Marin H)
- Boschian Balloon Art? For Rumcove;
- Reflections in the Watering Hole (in Memory of Steve Irwin);
- Asphodel, that Greeny Flower (for Don and William Carlos Williams);
- Blue Rose (Homage to Peter Straub's Novels);
- The Golden Road to Unlimited Devotion (Homage to the Grateful Dead); China Cat Sunflower (for Bob Weir and Jerry Garcia); The Golden Road #2 (I just really, really love the Grateful Dead);
- Old Gold and Black (for Larry S);
- It's Still a Planet to Me (Homage for Poor Little Pluto)
- Pink and Orange Ribbons (for Karen);
- Remembering Jim Morrison;
- The New World Order (to the Crocodile Hunter); Once More for Steve Irwin
- Rainbow Connection (Ed Helms, Ricky Gervais, and Jim Henson)
- Going for the One (for the band called "Yes")
- Tarpon Springs
- Gallifrey (for Dr. Who, in all his Manifestations)
- Rose Stone (for Emma)
- Fish Heads (for Phillip M.)
- Elm Street (circa 1965)
- Flying Rainbow Palms (for Mr. Rumcove, who is Color Blind); Carlan
- Through the Dark Glassily (for Jackie M).
- Blue Flower in the Sun (It's All Just History) [Janis Joplin]; Blue Flower in the Sun 2 [Janis]
- Spinning Indigo (for Caroline)
- The Hieronymous Globe (Steven)
- Tiffany Effects (for Merle); Sky Dancers (for Robert)
- Jigsaw Cross (for Howard);
- The Vicar's Embroidered Slippers (Homage to E.F. Benson)
- Green's Green Apogee (for Maureen-Anne)
- Ancient Chaldean Timepiece
- Golden Days (for my Father); The Things We Forget to Remember
- Cherub (inspired by the books of Madeleine L'Engle)
- Nick Drake Moon 2
- Brown Rose (for Martha)
- I Know You, Rider (Remembering Jerry Garcia)
- Flower in a Shell (to Georgia O'Keefe); Blue Pearl (Georgia O'Keefe)
- Glassiloquence (Tony and his Family); Orange Garden (for Ben and his Family)
- Thistle Blossom Stained Glass (Opalescent) [A Tribute to Ashley Jensen];
- Progressive Xianity (Honoring Ann LaMott);
- Flowers for Caroline (A Birthday Tribute); Flowers for Caroline 2 (A Birthday Tribute for my Mother);
- The 7 Fat Daughters of the Goddess Bast (for all cats, especially Sam, Lydia, and Flat Cat);
- Dragon's Egg 6 (for my friend Larry S.);
- All Things Must Pass (In Memorian: George Harrison); Tangled Up in Blue [Homage to Bob Dylan];
- New Day Yesterday (More Homage to Jethro Tull); When the Music's Over, Turn Out the Lights (Remembering Jim Morrison, Part 2);
- Lioncentric (for an old friend, CDM);
- Some Candles Burn at Both Ends