The next guys to show up on my screen were not cute at all. No, they are like something out of my nightmares. I named this image "Send in the Mimes." Look at it carefully. Can you see them standing round the edge, white-faced and looking down at you? Overhead is a scary chandelier featuring frightening masks.
The clowns are laughing....laughing! Look at them. Don't you feel as if you're looking up at them, wondering where in the world you are and why there are a lot of people looking down at you with their malevolent smiles, fixed twisted grins, and retractable eyeballs.... Okay, that's just me, right?
Anyway, I like the colors---red, white, and green have always appealed to me---so bring it on, scary mimes! Again, I made the image larger than I would if I were using it in my blog so the clowns would show up.