Disclaimer of Warranty or Liability; Terms of Use
ALL IMAGES: COPYRIGHT DAMOZEL I permit them to be used WITH ATTRIBUTION and FOR NONCOMMERCIAL USES (unless you ask me for permission to use it otherwise). To give attribution, please identify the work as "by Damozel: The Flatland Almanack" and link to the page where the image appears.
By using my work, you represent that you have read the following "ground rules" and disclaimers:
I've become addicted to using my Paint Shop Pro (an indulgence) to make images to decorate my blog, and it occurred to me that I might as well share, just in case anyone is interested. BUT: there are some "terms of use" (aren't there always?)!
FIRST, I'm an amateur, not a graphic artist. Making these pictures is a hobby: something I do when I need a break from more taxing activities. I'm not claiming that they have any great artistic merit or artistic merit, period; and it's quite possible that no one will be interested in using them. But I liked them and wanted to use them in my blogs (as well as show them off), and obviously by doing that, I'm making them available to anyone who knows how to right click on an image. That being the case, I thought I'd better state my position.
Please only use these images if you're willing to assume any risks that might relate to such use (and I don't know what those all might be); and if you are prepared to absolve me from liability for any possible consequence, even if it somehow turns out I've somehow been negligent. Consider this to be the broadest possible disclaimer.
Let's say that I retain the copyright in all the images that I post in this category, and am allowing you a license to use them for personal use to decorate your site or your blog, provided it doesn't contain any so-called "adult [explicitly sexual] content." If it does, please use clipart from some other site. In return---assuming you do use them---I would of course appreciate a link! Comments are also much appreciated.
Please use these images only for your personal use, if you use them at all. You're free to use them in your blog or in emails. Please don't redistribute them, post them in an image gallery at your personal or commercial website, or use them for a commercial purpose (at a website designed to sell or promote a product) without first asking. I wouldn't in any case sell or charge for the use of any of these little images, but I would like to know how they are being used and to have some say in in their use.
I hate to have to rain on my own parade like this, but I don't anyone to misunderstand the USE AT YOUR OWN RISK aspect of this.
I've organized all of the postings under categories which are necessarily rather vague. Only the 50 most recent posts appear on the homepage (this page). To see the rest, click on the category names in the right-hand sidebar. You will then be able to see all of the images posted under each category.
AS OF APRIL 28, 2007, THERE ARE OVER 900 DIFFERENT IMAGES, EACH IN FROM 2-6 SIZES. Only the 50 most recent appear on the homepage. TO SEE ALL IMAGES, BROWSE MY CATEGORIES. All the images are jpegs.
PRIOR TO APRIL 28, 2007, MOST IMAGES WERE 200 ppi, though a few are---inadvertently---low resolution 72 ppi. Printed out, the largest is only a little over an inch (usually too small for printed projects). Beginning today, I intend to print out higher resolution images and---at least for some---to include larger versions. In addition, I am willing (up to a point) to provide larger print-friendly versions of images to people who email me to request them and explain the intended use of the image.
I made each image in 2-3 sizes. To download them, simply right-click the image you desire and save it to your disk. REMEMBER, I'D APPRECIATE A LINK IF YOU DECIDE TO USE MY WORK...! You know it's the right thing to do, right? Thanks!
Beginning on September 11, 2006, web hosting for all images shown at this site is provided by Flickr. I recommend their "pro" account; it's a lot of value for your money! But if you just want to try it out, they also offer a generous free account.