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« Random Link O' the Day. What It's Like: Prosopagnosia (Inability to Recognize Faces). | Main | Random Link O' the Day for 27 April 2007. Swiftian Literary Criticism ("I Have Not Actually Read this Book But...") »

April 26, 2007



Now, I say, look here, dash it! I hardly ever contradict my wife, for to do so would be wrong, but there are one or two things that need clearing up here. You make it sound as though I have a million books and you have a couple of shelves full. We probably own roughly the same number. And there’s nothing wrong with acquiring a book and waiting till the right moment comes to read it. You don’t have to read a book the moment you get it home. It won’t self destruct if it is unopened, you know! Books keep, and every book is brand new if you haven’t read it before. Also, you should not boast of your cruelty to books. Bending and tearing books and using them as coasters and doorstops is exactly how Nazi Germany got started. Hitler burned books. Am I right? Well, I see I have convinced you by force of argument. I accept your apology and we’ll say no more about it! Muah!

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