<Get "In re: Servilia" by Damozel | Another of my favorite blogs (as you'll see from the list on the left...) published this submission to "Thursday 13" (world's most awesome meme) several weeks ago and I just CANNOT get it out of my head: Plastic Surgery shouldn’ts.
"Ok, I’m a native California," the note begins. "In fact, I’m a fourth generation native Californian. Which is to say that I have seen a lot of plastic surgery in my life. Hell, there’s a woman who claims to have raised me but I don’t recognize her… at all." This is one of the most awesome openings of an Thursday 13 post ever.
If you've ever toyed with the idea of a tweak and a tuck, you probably want to read this note first. And look at the pictures. And I'm talking especially to you guys who have given thought to pec implants (Jesus). (Are there women who are really drawn to very salient pecs? Isn't this sort of the kind of thing that you'd be attracted to a man in spite of?) Speaking of salient, please take note of her point about the proper relation between pecs and arms. I'm not the sort of lady who assesses men----living in a town where I'm surrounded by twenty-somethings I've built up an immunity to hottness---but I do have one or two opinions about things that guys shouldn't bother doing. Developing the breasts is one of them.
And if you're a lady of a certain age, look at the caricature of a face (h/t Gilbert and Sullivan) that one socialite's face has become. Brrrr! Why? Why would someone do this? Who would be attracted by this? It's like some cubist painter's rendition of a handsome woman----everything that should be natural and in natural proportions pushed out and exaggerated out of any resemblance to a real face. It's a stylized face.
I mention this post because I couldn't get it out of my head but there have been several Claudia posts that I'll be recommending in the near future.