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December 20, 2007



I could stare at each picture for long minutes, each of them is beautiful beyond words. You did a wonderful job , it was a pleasure to stop by, thanks! and happy thirteening!


You should have put them for Wordless Wednesday ! They are so beautiful it leaves you without words !


You should have put them for Wordless Wednesday ! They are so beautiful it leaves you without words !



If you would like, check out 13 Reasons I Should Be Getting a Promotion for Christmas Regardless of my Gender.

Happy TT!


AWESOME pictures. Thank you for sharing - I enjoyed! Happy Holidays!


Wonderful pictures. I love #5!

Merry Christmas!


A wonderful TT as usual! I like #5 best.


These are all so beautiful! Happy Solstice.

Infinity Goods

Lovely additions to Thursday 13!
Happy Holidays.


Oh, these are beautiful! I can't even pick a favorite--they're a wonderfully evocative.

No Nonsense girl

beautiful pictures!!!! :-)


These are really spectacular. Thanks for posting them and calling attention to some wonderful photographic art.


Beautiful! Each and every one :) Happy TT, and Happy Holidays!

Lazy Daisy

Wow, what awesome scenes. Thanks for the inspiration! Merry Christmas


Flickr is one of my favorite sites and these photos are spectacular. Nos. 6 and 13 are extremely creative.
Thanks for stopping by the blog.


Such beautiful pictures. I love No. 6. Great thirteen!


I love #6. They are all beautiful, though.

Happy tt and Merry Christmas!


Just beautiful! You did save the best for last.

Merry Christmas and thanks for stopping by.

Ornery's Wife

Very lovely, and such diversity. Creation is amazing in all its various forms, and I never tire of discovering its beauty!

Thanks for visiting Miller Manor--come back anytime for a visit!

Pamela Kramer

Those are beautiful photos! Happy TT.


WOW, what beautiful photographs. Thank you for sharing them with all of us.
Have a wonderful Christmas and thanks for stopping by my T13.

Amy Ruttan

Wonderful photos! :) Happy TT!


Trees and moons. Very seasonally moody.


Trees and moons. Very seasonally moody.


Thanks for sharing these stunning photos. My personal favorites are the Christmas Palm and Nature's Christmas Tree.

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