< Get "Atia" by Damozel | As long as we're on the subject, I found this site via Stumbleupon and I've never been able to get it out of my head.
Physical vanity is not a major fault of mine, but I admit that I recently looked into the cost of repairing extensive sun damage on my shoulders and around my neck. The laser surgery would eliminate the blotchiness and even restore the collagen (be damned if I know how that words). Anyway: $800 a go, and I could maybe rise to that, but it would take five goes. For $4000 my husband and I could do a lot of things we'd like to do. It would buy a couple of tickets to England and---with the current exchange rates---maybe pay our expenses (for example).
It's not just sour grapes that made me look at this site, but actual wonder at the extent to which we women will go to make ourselves look like some ideal version of ourselves. These are rich women who have made very bad choices.
Some of these are the same. But it's the proliferating scary rubber-mask effect that is so horrifying. Is this some kind of California aesthetic? It's a semblance or a caricature of a certain type of beauty.
I am typing this as I watch a video of Helen Mirren---beautiful, luminous Helen Mirren, a woman of a certain age..... If, at the age I am, I have to choose a role model, I'll be choosing Helen Mirren, Judy Dench, Dame Diana....