If you're not really sure what religion you are, or think you might have got it wrong, I recommend the 'belief-o-matic' at Beliefnet.org. It's quite the little aid to spiritual clarity.
Since I am currently exploring whether it would be appropriate for me to join the local Religious Society of Friends (i.e., the Quakers), imagine my relief when the Belief-O-Matic said that my stated beliefs were a 96% match for Liberal Quaker. (They were 100% in line with 'Unitarian Universalist,' but never mind.) I had an 83% score for Taoist, which I 'practiced' to the extent a westener can when I was in college. Interesting, that.
Imagine if it had come up 'Fundamentalist Christian,' 'Wiccan,' 'Roman Catholic,' 'Buddhist,' or 'Greek Orthodox.' I'd have had to start all over from scratch.
Anyway, it's a fun little device and there's absolutely NO obligation to convert! What if unbeknownst to yourself you're spiritually designed to be an atheist and you just don't realize it? Or suppose you're supposed to be a member of the Church of England and you never find it out? No cake for you!