I've already commented on Code Pink's Worst Rebuttal Ever, but there's just something about a Wonkette
summation, you know? Earnest progressive gals in pink T-shirts singing out of tune and not quite in unison? Talk about a gift to the McCain campaign. Check out the link for more.
[quote begins from Wonkette: "Crazy People Make Stand Against Crazy Person."]
Let this video of Code Pink members protesting Sen. John McCain be the final statement on BrianWilsongate.
[quote ends; links in original]
Well, except for the above, of course.
But wait! There's more!
[quote begins from Wonkette, "Gonzalez and Wolfowitz to Reign Forever"]
Two Bush insiders are facing the toughest challenges of their careers: pretending to give a shit about universal criticism of their corruption and incompetence. So how are Paul and Al doing, this week? They’re fine, thank you. Now would you shut up and let them get back to work?...
Bush said his confidence in Gonzales has actually increased, making the President 240% confident in the Attorney General’s ability to do his job, which is banning the internet and locking up Muslims forever and ever. It’s apparent that had Gonzales actually demonstrated any respect for the concept of Congressional oversight, he’d be out on his ass and looking for think tank work.
[quote ends; links in original]