The Carpetbagger Report notes, "Conservative opposition to Mike Huckabee’s campaign has been solidifying in recent weeks, to the point of near movement-wide panic."I dealt with the backstory here and elsewhere. (Somewhat to the bemusement) of my BN-Politics colleagues, I've given quite a bit of attention to the meteoric rise of God's Chosen Conservative.
Sadly, Huckabee hath offended God's chosen Blowhard, who then unloaded on him. What to do? What to do? Huck followed Jesus's instructions and turned the other cheek. Hurray! Now the healing can begin. Or can it?
I love Rush Limbaugh; I've always loved his show," Huckabee assured. "I think he’s been great for the conservative movement."
The former Arkansas governor conceded that he hadn't sought Limbaugh out to set the record straight — but that he would like to.
"I don’t have his number," Huckabee explained. "If you have it, Jonathan [Martin], why don’t you give it to me. I’d love to talk to him."
"Maybe put it on the Web that if he’ll call me, I’d love to visit with him." (The Politico)
So Jonathan Martin put it on the web.
Huckabee hath extended the hand of Piety and Righteousness.
What will Rush do? Will he take his cue from Jesus? As far as I know, he's "studiously avoided" laying into Jesus---you might have heard of him; he's one of conservatism's great icons---- for being too much of a liberal or demanded to know who Jesus is to decide who is or is not a conservative. He also hasn't asked Jesus to refrain from the "Clintonian spin."
Maybe you didn't know what had actually prompted this ludicrous "feud." With the lips of an insider Huckabee vicarioiusly offended Limbaugh in this fashion:
One Huckabee insider told Marc Ambinder, “Rush doesn’t think for himself. That’s not necessarily a slap because he’s not paid to be a thinker — he’s an entertainer. I can’t remember the last time that he has veered from the talking points from the DC/Manhattan chattering class. If they were praising Huckabee, he would be too…. Bill Clinton made Rush a megastar. Having another Clinton back in power would make him the Leading Voice of the Opposition once again.” (The Carpetbagger)
Memeorandum has other blogger reactions here.
Limbaugh Goes Off on Huckabee
New York Times Portrays Huckabee as a Liberal in Wolf's Clothing
Mike Huckabee: God's Candidate or Ignorant Caster of Stones? You Decide!
Christopher Hitchens: "It's Perfectly Reasonable to Reject a Candidate for his Religious Views"
Mainstream Republicans Horrified Over Apotheosis of Huckabee