Camille Paglia still hates Hillary, though for different (although similar) reasons. Hillary is still the wrong archetype; always was, always will be, forever and ever world without in amen.
I saw the first Hillary signs going up this week: a thin, white-haired, but very determined elderly lady was trying to wrestle one into the ground near zipping traffic on a county highway. I thought, "Hmm ... Hillary's demographic?" Obama is certainly a darling of youth, the wave of the future. (Salon)
Obama, on the other hand, is a 'dewy and somewhat reserved newcomer,' beloved of the intelligentsia, with 'the patrician elegance of John F. Kennedy.' Gaaaah. Also: heh. According to La Paglia, Hillary's demographic consists of white-haired little old ladies. All the cool kids---and La Paglia---want Obama.
Oh, who cares what Camille Paglia says or does about Hillary or Obama? Her area of expertise is the androgyne in art history, art, and literature literature, with a side of Madonna and Keith Richards and their "hieratic assertions of charismatic personality." Yes, yes, I read her Sexual Personae Book back in the Nineties. I liked her Sexual Personae book. I wish she and Salon didn't believe that her literary/artistic take on pop culture qualifies her for political punditry. She's always trying to blind her readers with jargon.
Which is why, oh Brad of Sadly, No! ("How Does this Woman Get Paid to Write Again?") I so revere thee:
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