At BN-Politics (link is at the top of the page), I published a much more extended discussion of the Spitzer matter, complete with Jane Hamsher's absolutely legitimate concerns that his prosecution arose out of the Bush Administration's ongoing efforts to bring down powerful Democrats. Scott Horton at Harper's has more.
At Mercury Rising, Phoenix Woman asks: Have Either Senators Craig or Vitter Resigned Yet?
No? Didn’t think so.
Then neither should Governor Spitzer. That’s my take.
Oh, and guess how Spitzer was brought down? The bankers he’d pissed off were watching his money really closely. Normally they wouldn’t be flagging $5,000 transactions from a man of his wealth (his father is a real estate mogul), but in his case they sure did.
I think this is probably right.
Not that this excuses the hypocrisy. I can be saddened and a little disgusted by his hubris and equally disgusted with the relentless, ongoing abuse of the system by Republicans out to destroy the careers of successful political opponents.
Memeorandum on the Harper's Piece
Talking Points Memo, Firedoglake, Taylor Marsh, TalkLeft, TPMMuckraker, Salon, Majikthise, TalkLeft, Slate, Open Left, DownWithTyranny!, Talking Points Memo, Corrente, Democratic Strategist, The Carpetbagger Report, News Hounds, Hullabaloo, Shakesville, Attytood