Teh Nutroots| Well, this is no surprise. Here's Think Progress:
'On MSNBC’s Hardball last night, host Chris Matthews asked former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan if he saw “FOX television as a tool” to get the White House’s “message out” while he was in the Bush administration. “Certainly there were commentators and other, pundits at FOX News, that were useful to the White House,” replied McClellan, adding that they were given “talking points.”'
So...Fox = sock puppet for the Administration?
McClellan admitted that “certainly” the White House used Fox News talking heads as “spokespeople” with “a script”:..Fox News’s close relationship to the Bush administration should come as no surprise to anyone, considering Fox’s Neil Cavuto once ran a segment asking if George W. Bush was “the best President.” But, as Olbermann notes, it “is one of those things you assumed to be true all along, yet you are shocked when the hard confirmation actually shows up on your door.” (Think Progress).
Dana Perino says she's not aware of any special relationships with Fox, by the way. (Roger Ailes) That's a new twist to the 'I don't recall' defense favored by most Bush Administration officials.
Michael Stickings says that it's good to have the news that Faux News really IS faux straight from the mouthpiece's mouth
Steve at Radamisto:
'The GOP Noise Machine is a top-down organization and really has no use for independent writers or the facts. It's a commonplace that wingnuts lie and distort and Fats himself provides a recent example. We've read before that the WH Press Office regularly leaked talking points to the Drudge Report and now Scottie McClellan lets us know the WH also treated FAUX News the same way
Blogger fun at Memeorandum.
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