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August 10, 2008


Mo MoDo

The bad blood between Dowd and Edwards goes back to 2002 when she called him a Ken doll.

RH Potfry

"But it has occurred to me since then that men whose wives are seriously ill sometimes do very shocking and unbecoming things....out of fear. Men who fear losing their wives often seem to try to put some distance between themselves and the beloved."

Damn, this is good stuff. You should have floated this one to Edwards before he issued his pathetic mea culpa. It would have fit in nicely between the "I'm not the first one to do this" and "She was in remission when this happened."

Cockney Robin

Of course, RH Potfry, it's utter nonsense if you are determined to be judgemental. I think our friend's point was that if you're going to characterise John Edwards' state of mind, you might as well be charitable.

Blue already accused him in a separate post of hypocrisy, as she says. But the personal details perhaps ought to be left alone. And the Dowd piece is remarkably unattractive.

Mo MoDo (really?), you're saying that the bad blood started years ago when she gratuitously insulted him?

Moncler Jacka

well this blog is great i love reading your articles.

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