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August 08, 2008



as a non-believer, i also hope the rapture comes quickly, because if it promises to get all the holier-than-thou fundamentalist jesus freaks off the face of the earth and outta my hair, i say, bring it on, god!

not to mention all the jews catching fire and the dead walking the earth! paaaarrr-tay! let's do it!

Iris Blackmond

I am a Christian too and do not, thankfully, let silly ads made by a pack of pathological liars determine my decision. I care for people more than that to ever allow insulting ads made from jealousy spur my decision. I'm glad you decided on McCain and now the Anti-Christ, should McCain win, will be in the white house.

Your post was an interested read but I prefer to check the facts and not take any ones word when it comes to voting for a president. Keep up your work as you see fit in your faith. I shall not trouble you and come back. God's blessing to you.


Obama is playing the role of the AntiChrist. You see, the world is a movie, already set up. We're the actors, but we just don't know it. And no, it wasn't set up by God. It was set up by people. To fulfill a prophecy, one must first see the prophecy, and then one must simply... Fulfill it. Don't be a fool and buy in to this prophecy of AntiChrist. Though indeed, that is who is is going to be. Only because the ones behind the scenes are deeming him as that, to better lock in humanity, enslave, control. It is a hidden agenda that even I am unaware of. Do the research for yourself. It all begins in Sumeria, the first civilization of humankind. Pick up the pieces, solve the puzzle for yourself. But make haste, for this knowledge will be censored soon. For the internet is dying, replaced by something called, "Internet 2." Don't believe me? Then research. Research, research, research. It is your greatest opportunity.

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Any individual or religious group that has dogmatically predicted the day of the rapture, referred to as "date setting", has been thoroughly embarrassed and discredited, as the predicted date of fulfillment came and went without event. Some of these individuals and groups have offered excuses and "corrected" target dates, while others have simply released a reinterpretation of the meaning of the scripture to fit their current predicament, and then explained that although the prediction appeared to have not come true, in reality it had been completely accurate and fulfilled.

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Though indeed, that is who is is going to be. Only because the ones behind the scenes are deeming him as that, to better lock in humanity, enslave, control.

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Some of these individuals and groups have offered excuses and "corrected" target dates, while others have simply released a reinterpretation of the meaning of the scripture to fit their current predicament, and then explained that although the prediction appeared to have not come true, in reality it had been completely accurate and fulfilled.

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