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August 07, 2008



So Obama (and his minions) think America sucks, and he wants to bring it back to what it was? First off, how is that looking to the future, using the failed Democrat ideas from the past? Second, when is he talking about? After all, in the last 25 years Obama graduated from Columbia, Harvard Law, spent time as a lawyer, lectured at the University of Chicago Law school, was elected to the Illinois state senate, was elected to the U.S. Senate, and is running for President. Does the U.S. suck for Obama because his poll numbers are dropping, and he got caught being a sleazy Chicago politician by his unwarranted playing of the race card against McCain? When were the good times to Obama, two weeks ago?

Morrissey is right; Obama is selling Despair.

teh nutroots

Failed "Democratic ideas?" Ha ahahahahaha

Yes, Bush has truly brought us into the light.

teh nutroots

PS. So how's the Kool-Aid taste today? Fine?


"PS. So how's the Kool-Aid taste today? Fine?"

You tell me.

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