Posted by Damozel | cross posted at BN-Politics | Hey, what do you know? McCain's ad, "The One," portraying Obama as Antichrist (see the ad here) seems to have worked! In "debunking" the "rumor," CNN actually treated this as a serious question. (cf. The Raw Story)
That such a subject is even speculated about in any but the most backwards, unreconstructed segments of American society -- let alone on a 24-hour cable network -- is a testament (no pun intended) to the depths to which political debate has fallen. But there was the caption on CNN Friday in big bold letters: "OBAMA THE ANTICHRIST?"
Apparently a not-insignificant number of Americans, after viewing John McCain's Web ad The One, with its Messianic overtones -- come away thinking that Barack Obama has been sent from Hell to Earth to turn its citizens against God. For inspiration, some of these people seem to be drawing from the fictional Left Behind series, which posits a dystopian future where the Anti-Christ comes to Earth as a charismatic politician. (The Raw Story)
Chalk one up for McCain! He did exactly what he wasn't---he assures us---setting out to do.
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