If he wasn't going to worry about the feelings of a few random contemporary Jews over his portrayal of them in The Passion of the Christ, I don't know why "members of the Mayan community" should expect him to worry about how they felt about "Apocalypto." But not only Mayans, but an Assistant Professor of Central American studies from Cal State at Northridge, who sat in on a film class where he was speaking wished to make their objections known.
Mel's response? Well, you can see it right here. It's passionate, but not exactly Christ-like. Also he suggested that they make their own movie about Mayan culture.
A whole generation of young people, for example, will probably grow up believing that the question has been (somewhere) settled that Christ was married to Mary Magdalene, that the murder of Julius Caesar was instigated by Brutus's mother (irked at being dumped), that the ancient Egyptians were extraterrestrials, and that Pontius Pilate couldn't pronounce his "R's."
I don't know what you do about films that present a completely erroneous, or bigoted, view of your culture or its history. There are plenty of them around (e.g., all the westerns that were around when I was a kid), but of course nowadays people aren't taught, or do not wish to learn, actual history. So there's no point of reference. But it's ridiculous to encourage people to think that they should somehow have a say in an artistic (or "artistic") endeavor. It's fiction, not a documentary. I'm sure that many of the younger people who saw the film, if indeed any did, assumed that the Mayans lived in Middle Earth or on pre-diluvian Mars.
Anyway, I think Mel should be free to make any damn film he wants to, I guess, but that he needs to suck it up when people criticize its historical authenticity or challenge the message. At that, he ought to be happy someone sat through it.
I'm certain he shouldn't scream "Fuck you, Lady!" at anyone anywhere, hecklers included. ( TMZ published this update: "Gibson's publicist, Alan Nierob, told TMZ, "This person was a
heckler who was rude and disrupted the event, so much so that the event
organizers had to escort her out." For the record, Nierob...reps Gibson."). If you can't stand the hate, stay out of the film industry. And if you can't handle controversy, don't make controversial films.